Who is Hugo?
Falk Krämer
Falk Krämer
Huge frameworks, cumbersome operation, often content management systems (CMS) for your own web page overshoot the target by far. Therefore, we have chosen a simple, yet flexible CMS: The open source project Hugo, a so-called headless CMS. With Hugo, every author has the web content on his workstation in the form of Markdown files ready for editing. When Hugo is running in the background, all changes are first made locally and a real-time preview is displayed in the browser.
Hugo gets its special kick from its interaction with GIT. If the new content is now to be published on the web server, it is updated via GIT (“git commit”). The distributed system keeps every user up to date. GIT also takes care of documentation, versioning and data backup. The framework becomes particularly exciting in connection with Jamstack. But that is a topic for another blog entry.
It is true that our cookie avoidance is related to the introduction of Hugo, see last month’s blog. However, it would be easy to integrate tracking services.
Further reading Hugo: https://blog.jakobs.systems/blog/hugo-als-blog-plattform/ GIT: https://www.webhostone.de/de/ueber-uns/news-blog/warum-wir-auf-git-als-versionsverwaltung-setzen-2.html Jamstack: https://www.maibornwolff.de/blog/jamstack-zukunft-oder-hype Bildquelle: https://utopia.de/ratgeber/alkoholfreier-hugo-ein-rezept-fuer-den-sommerlichen-cocktail/