Release Notes CSG 5.0.28
Collax Security Gateway
New in this Version
GUI: Context-Sensitive placement of Forms from menu Filter
Until now the setting for email, spam, virus and web content filter were found in the main menu Filter. With this update the menu Filter is obsolete and the forms are now located in their related services. All the forms for the email security settings are now in Settings → Mail and Messaging → Mail Security. Regarding the settings for web content filtering, all forms are now in Settings → Networking → Web Security. The antivirus file scanning forms are now in Settings → Services → File-Shares.
Additional note that the settings for the virus scanners are no longer grouped by vendor. Instead they are now placed by vendor under their respective service.
Note: Please check the settings of the virus scanner once finished.
Add-on Software: The Open Source virus scanner Clam-AV is now available to all relevant modules
ClamAV is an open source (GPL) antivirus engine designed for detecting Trojans, viruses, malware and other malicious threats. ClamAV will be shipped with all relevant Collax Modules: Web Security, Mail Security, Net Storage and therefore all server products like Collax Business Server, Collax Security Gateway and Collax Groupware Suite containing the corresponding modules.
Add-on Software: Optimization of Virus Scanners
It is possible to use multiple virus scanners. All virus scanners in use can be configured independently. With this update the scan methods are optimized to avoid redundant scan procedures while scanning emails and files. The performance while scanning is increased.
Add-on Software: New Version of Collax Virus Protection
Collax Virus Protection offers comprehensive antivirus protection for email, web and file services. This update upgrades the scanner to the latest version.
Important: This update of Collax Virus Protection has to be installed by July 31st 2011. Until this is done, after that date, Collax Virus Protection will stop receiving signature and engine updatest.
Attention: Please start a manual pattern update by clicking “Update CVP” in Settings -> System Configuration -> Software Update -> Virus Scanners. This update is necessary to start the services successfully.
System Management: Installation from USB-Stick
It is now possible to install a Collax Server from USB-Stick after this update. The How-to can be downloaded from in every Server Product section within the menu Howto/White Paper.
Issues Fixed in this Version
Add-on Software: Invalid SMTP response of Collax Virus Protection
Active monitoring tests the functionality of the email filter chain via the SMTP protocol. If the Kaspersky virus scanner is activated in the filter chain a warning is produced. This is because the Kaspersky email scanner replies with status code 250 even though it is working correctly. A new version of the Kaspersky virus scanner is going to be installed which corrects this SMTP responds.
Add-on Software: New Licensing of Avira Antivir
The Anti Virus product Avira Antivir will now be identically licensed like all Collax Modules. With this method a higher handling comfort is reached.
Add-on Software: Download Progress Bar when using Avira Antivir Web-Virus-Filter
The anti virus product Avira Antivir displayed a special progress bar while scanning downloaded files. With the new anti virus technology within this update this progress bar becomes superfluous. From this update the progress bar of Avira Antivir is going to be removed.